Medjugorje – Dubrovnik – Rome
Medjugorje and Beyond Departures
Feb 28 – Mar 3 | Mirjana’s Monthly Apparition |
Mar 8 – Mar 15 | St. John of God |
Mar 15 – Mar 22 | Sts. Partic & Joseph |
Mar 22 – Mar 29 | Annuciation |
Mar 29 – Apr 3 | Mirjana’s Monthly Apparition |
Apr 21 – Apr 28 | Divine Mercy |
Apr 25 – May 3 | Mirjana’s Monthly Apparition |
May 31 – Jun 7 | Mirjana’s Monthly Apparition |
Aug 21 – Aug 29 | Mirjana’s Monthly Apparition |
Sep 29 – Oct 6 | Mirjana’s Monthly Apparition |
Oct 29 – Nov 6 | Mirjana’s Monthly Apparition |
Nov 29 – Dec 7 | Mirjana’s Monthly Apparition |
DAY 1 Depart U.S.A.
We depart together for Medjugorje with complimentary meals and beverages served onboard trans-atlantic flight.
Day 2 Medjugorje
When we are met and driven to Medjugorje usually arriving early afternoon. Since we stay with the visionary’s relatives or in their home – they welcome us and prepare our meals, it feels as if you are at home. It’s still the custom to have grandparents and parents’ children with their children in the same house living together. We are close by, only a leisurely 3 minute walk, about 60 feet from St. James Church (refer to map.)
Day 3 – 4 Medjugorje – Apparition Hill Meet the visionaries Blue Cross Cenaclo
Each day our guide coordinates meeting and visits throughout our stay. Ascending the path to start the climb up Apparition Hill where they first saw the Blessed Mother, we pray the Rosary. Many times Ivan, Vicka and Marija would often gather with their prayer groups to pray there before the Blessed Mother appeared to them. Our early morning sunrise climb up Cross Mountain is optional as we schedule climbing Cross Mountain meditating on the Stations of the Cross along the way during the day. Evening veneration of the Cross and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament times will be advised by our guide.
DAY 5 – 6 -7 Medjugorje Rome Vatican Sistine Chapel St. Peter’s Basilica Colosseum Catacombs Appian Way
Visit the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. Travel back in time to the sacred gravesite of St. Peter as we descend from the upper church to the the tomb of St. Peter below and the extraordinary experience visiting the vast underground catacombs complex; – the sacred tomb of the great Apostle St. Paul (at the time it was built it was beyond the walls of the old city) built by Constantine to enshrine the tomb of St. Paul; along the Appian Way to the underground Catacombs, the Baths of Caracalla, and the miraculous crucifix of St. Brigid – these are only some of the places we visit today.
Who wouldn’t be moved at visiting the sites where St. Peter was crucified and St. Paul was beheaded, where St. John was cast into boiling oil and where Peter asked of Christ “Lord, whither goest Thou?”. We lead you down to the incredible ruins of the Roman and Imperial Forums, the ancient markets, basilicas, and temples; see where the Senate was and where the most important figures in ancient times spent their days. Your guide will bring to life this ancient place so you can imagine what it was like to live in one of the most important places in history…two thousand years ago.. and finish our walk with a visit inside the Colosseum.
A place where our worries give way to inspiration – Assisi. We ascend to the mystical city of St. Francis and St. Clare encircled by ramparts, hardly changed since the Middle Ages. Our prayers are heard at the crypt of St. Francis including a a visit to the convent of the incorrupt body of St. Clare. Intimate places in the lives of these two saints are intertwined as we visit the place of his baptism, Santa Maria degli Angeli, the Portiuncula – the roseto into which St. Francis threw himself to overcome temptation, the cave in which he lived and the cross where St. Francis received his stigmata.
DAY 9 Return Home